Friday, June 26, 2009

Barking Buddha Doga Book Launch

Gus, Me and Honey right before the party. I'm a little windblown, but us Seattlites are not a tender bunch... a little rain, a little wind, no problem! Thanks to everyone who helped and/ or attended the book launch. It was really fun and a memory I'll cherish. My FIRST BOOK! YAY!

P.S. Doga class this Sunday at the Seattle Humane Society, 10:00 am

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This Weeks Doga Dish!

I would totally teach Gus to surf if we lived near waves. This is so cool!
Please send good vibes to Snickers, she's in the hospital with a high temperature. Pictured above with her giant birthday bone, and below in doga class with mom, Jen. I heart Snicks! Get well soon!

Me at a book signing in Spokane. What am I doing on the floor you might ask? Well people always want me to show them some poses, which is all good and fine, I've never been intimidated by the floor. The dogs are obviously comfortable and relaxed. Just so you know there was more than one person there. It looks like I have a lone onlooker.
Not a huge crowd, but some folks stood around to observe me wallowing on the floor and to ask questions about doga and the book.

Take out the monocle or magnifying glass and check out the info above...My book launch party! So far about 200 peeps have RSVPed. And The Seattle Times mentioned it in the book events section as well as a mention in The Seattle Weekly.
Also...Check out the article I wrote in the summer issue of City Dog Magazine, complete with great photos by Jen Wynn.
And last but not least:
Class this SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY! The Seattle Humane Society 10:00 am.
Hope to see you yogis and dogis at one or all of these fun events.
Brenda, Gus and Honey

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Barking Buddha Doga Dog of the Week!

Birthday Girl Lily! Lily's human is Elise owner of Seattle's Downtown Dog Lounge. She is 12. Lily has beautiful gray fur that does not give away her age.
Happy Birthday Lily!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gus Watches the Sunset

Lottie (Barking Buddha Doga's assistant to the executive assistant) reads buddhist philosophy with friend.
Gus watches the sunset from my front porch. He watches the sunset all of the time. Seriously, he really does.
And yes, I need to replace the dead flowers in that pot.
Have a fabulous day!
Spread the love!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Stop Woofing, Start Walking and You'll be Wagging!

Treat time for Gus and Honey at Dogs Dig It in Portland.

I had one of those weekends that contained lots of activity and not much dog time. I find when I don't spend quality time with Gus and Honey I feel I have to make it up to them with an extra long walk or a few more treats. Today I have so much to do, some due writing projects, some emailing, phone calls, the day to day of Barking Buddha Doga, which is really fun,but keeps me busy.

I have to breathe, calm down, focus and take it one task at a time.

So here's what I'm gonna do. It's a beautiful day in Seattle, I'm going to take my dogs on a walk. Being out in nature with Honey and Gus will serve many gives them (and me) exercise, we all get some fresh air. Walking outdoors helps to ground me, takes me out of my head and put things into perspective and I get the dog therapy. It's win win. So if you're feeling overwhelmed...Take a deep breath, put the leash on your dog and get outside for a little while. You have the time, make the time. Everyone will benefit.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This Weeks Doga Dish!

Down Dog at Dog's Dig It in Portland,OR. Fun and very full class. Ellie, the owner of Dog's Dig It took the Barking Buddha Doga Teacher Training in San Fran and will be starting classes in Portland in mid June. She's gonna be a terrific doga teacher!

I just posted the dates and info for the next Doga Teacher training in Atlanta, Yup, Hotlanta in July. Go to under seminars for more info.

We had a great time at Yappy Days in Pacific City. I was THIS close to adopting the sweet little guy pictured below from The Tillamook Animal Shelter. A new shelter that needs lots of funding, much of our weekend was about helping them raise money for the dogs.

Dogs at my book signing at The Inn at Cape Kiwanda

Pictured below: Bogle at the beach. Bogle's mom, Peggy sent this to me. I like to call Bogle "Bogi the Dogi".

I'll be on The Dog Talk Show today at 2:00 PST. 1150 AM. Call in with questions and your chance to win a book...guess which book? That's right, my recently released book Barking Buddha; Simple Soul Stretches for Yogi and Dogi.

Shameless plugging almost more thing Book launch party with City Dog Magazine at Rock Bottom Brewery, Seattle on June 24 6-8. This event is of course dog freindly!

On a more serious note. On Saturday I attended a benefit yoga class for a rescue pitbull named Missy. (Thanks Kelly Page for setting it up and bringing awareness to the organization). Missy is lovely and is great with kids and animals and is in need of a home.
Thank you Yogis and Dogis! Let's continue to relax the world one dog at at time by spreading the love.
-Brenda, Honey and Gus

Monday, June 8, 2009

Barking Buddha Doga Tip O' The Week

Photo by Julie Melfi

Dogs, dogs, dogs...The great companions, the healers, the playmates, the protectors, the family members, the partners. Inviting another species into our lives as a family member and somehow it just all works out.

We come to an understanding and even though we don't speak the same language we develop a language of our own, a way to communicate with a combination platter of words, sounds and gestures.

My dog Gus became cautious of the narrow wooden staircase leading up to the master bedroom after we removed the carpet. When he first began padding up and down the uncarpeted stairs, his little paws made a cute noise on the bare wood and I would imitate it as he would go up and down. The noise I made was something like a high pitched "boop, boop. boop".

Hey, I felt that eye roll! But I have a feeling that when alone with your own dog you have your own set of noises, baby talk and terms of endearment that would put my "Gus-padding-up-the-stairs" imitation seem pretty normal and not so bad.

Anyway...back to the story. So after making this noise a few times, not meaning any harm just having fun...something interesting happened. By making the "boop, boop, boop" noise while he was going up the stairs, I had accidentally trained him to take the stairs when I say "boop, boop, boop". I can be anywhere in the house and I'll hear him give a little bark at the bottom of the stairs and I can yell from the other room "BOOP, BOOP, BOOP!" and I'll hear him go up the stairs. It was one of those "oopsy" training moments.

I've been working on getting him to take the stairs without me making the noise and we're almost there, he only needs the cue occasionally now. I think the combination of the stairs feeling less stable under his feet than the carpet made him more susceptible to taking a cue from me and I've had to build up his stair confidence.

The "Gus and Stairs Incident" is just one of many examples of how cool and wonderous the possibility of communication is with our dogs. Whether it's accidental, or we consciously train our dogs to understand certain words or symbols, the communication we share with our dogs is unique to our relationship with them. The more observant and mindful we become, the better communicators we will be and our relationship to our dogs will benefit as well as our relationship to those other beings we share space with...the human being.

Barking Buddha Doga Tip of The Week: Dog T.V.

Sit quietly and observe your dog then write down your observations. Did you notice anything new or different? Did you learn anything, a fresh insight or idea? Bring your observations into your next training session or playtime to help you get the most out of time spent with your dog.

Let me know how it goes.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Doga Teacher Training 2009!

I just posted the teacher training info on the website under seminars.
The training includes; poses, lesson plans, sequencing, cross species teaching, trouble shooting, getting started and more. It's not necessary to have your dog with you at the training.
This training takes place in Atlanta in the Brookhaven neighborhood. The dog community has been really great in helping me set this up. A book signing at CityDog Market (thanks Renee!) and Mari from American Boot Camp Fitness is letting us use her studio for the class and the training ( it's right down the street). A portion of the proceeds from the public doga class will go to The Atlanta Humane Society (they don't know yet, I need to contact them).
I'm going to post a really cool tip of the week and dog of the week later today/tomorrow so check back.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Doga June Schedule

Yogis and Dogis!

I have so much to share. But it's gonna have to wait until later, because a have a full day of teaching people yoga classes.

Just got back from book signings and doga classes in Portland and the Oregon coast. More about those good times later. I realized I needed to post the June class schedule. The class load for summer is a little lighter, and we're gearing up for outdoor classes starting in July. Here's the June schedule:

Both classes will take place at The Seattle Humane Society:

Sunday June 7, 10:00 am

Sunday June 28, 10:00 am

And don't forget the Barking Buddha Doga Book Launch and the City Dog Magazine 4th Anniversary party on June 24th, Rock Bottom Brewery 6-8.