This Weeks Doga Dish!

Down Dog at Dog's Dig It in Portland,OR. Fun and very full class. Ellie, the owner of Dog's Dig It took the Barking Buddha Doga Teacher Training in San Fran and will be starting classes in Portland in mid June. She's gonna be a terrific doga teacher!
I just posted the dates and info for the next Doga Teacher training in Atlanta, Yup, Hotlanta in July. Go to under seminars for more info.

We had a great time at Yappy Days in Pacific City. I was THIS close to adopting the sweet little guy pictured below from The Tillamook Animal Shelter. A new shelter that needs lots of funding, much of our weekend was about helping them raise money for the dogs.

Pictured below: Bogle at the beach. Bogle's mom, Peggy sent this to me. I like to call Bogle "Bogi the Dogi".

I'll be on The Dog Talk Show today at 2:00 PST. 1150 AM. Call in with questions and your chance to win a book...guess which book? That's right, my recently released book Barking Buddha; Simple Soul Stretches for Yogi and Dogi.
Shameless plugging almost more thing Book launch party with City Dog Magazine at Rock Bottom Brewery, Seattle on June 24 6-8. This event is of course dog freindly!
On a more serious note. On Saturday I attended a benefit yoga class for a rescue pitbull named Missy. (Thanks Kelly Page for setting it up and bringing awareness to the organization). Missy is lovely and is great with kids and animals and is in need of a home.
Thank you Yogis and Dogis! Let's continue to relax the world one dog at at time by spreading the love.
-Brenda, Honey and Gus
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