Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I'm inspired by the people and the dogs that come to my classes. The way they interact, the questions they ask, the energy they give and what they are willing to receive. Also just being around dogs allows me to relax in a way that lets the creativity flow. I enjoy knowing that the realationship and the love people have for their dogs inspires them and motivates them to come to class. And making every pose a new opportunity to connect with and show love. We did extra massage for the dogs in Monday night's class and it seemed so appropriate for that particular class. Sometimes you have to let the vibe of the class inspire you to teach in a certain way. Bacon, the bulldog was snoring quite loudly when all was said and done. I did double duty with my dogs since Brad wasn't able to make the class. I realized it's possible to have two dogs with one person or two people with one dog in a class. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to teach these different combinations. I love being inspired!

Yoga With Your Dog pose for inspiration

Upward Facing Tail pose with wide legs

In this pose try to let the crown of the head come in contact with your dog, the crown of your head making contact with the crown of their head is ideal.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

In the News

I read two dog related news stories this week that were both so sad. Each story carried a completely different energy. The most horrific was the discovery of Michael Vick's pit bull fighting ring. A story that was almost unbearable to read. I can't imagine how someone can be so closed off to their relationship to living things that they would be so cruel. Not only Vicks but the countless others involved in fueling such an industry. People who are so cut off from themselves and the energetic, emotional and physical consequences of their actions are lost, sad and pathetic. It's too heart wrenching to even consider the dogs that were sacrificed. Puzzling and horrific!

I also read about Oprah losing her Golden Retriever. The 2 year old dog choked on a ball belonging to the Cocker Spaniel in the family. I'm sorry for her loss. I loved what she said about her dog's untimely death. She talked about how her two year old dog did more living in his two years than most people or dogs do in their much longer lifetimes. She talked about how she was grateful to her dog for that life lesson. Very cool. I'm grateful for amazing pet owners like Oprah that understand how much our animals give to us. And thanks to all who give their canine (and feline) companions the love and respect they deserve! And a HUGE heartfelt thanks to organisations like The Humane Society and their continuous efforts to stop the mindless abuse and breeding of animals! And their efforts to bring joy and fun to animal lovers and owners by hosting classes like Yoga With Your Dog! Peace and Love.

P.S. The above pictures are of Collette with one of her three pit bulls. They are all Yoga With Your Dog students. I love having them in class she's a fabulous dog mom! (she's also a firefighter, how bad-ass is that!)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

More Music for Yoga With Your Dog

Dog Yoga 4: "1. Paradise Island - The Surfers
2. The Old Man Memory - Marcelo Gallo
3. More Than This - Roxy Music
4. It Mek - Desmond Dekker
5. Tenderness - General Public
6. Mama - Tya
7. Meera - Manish Vyas
8. The Ghost In You - The Psychedelic Furs
9. Dream Of Me - Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD)
10. Stay Human (Stereo Steambath Remix) - Michael Franti
11. What Your Soul Sings - Massive Attack
12. Love * John lennon - John Lennon
13. Light Wings - Luz Da �sia
14. Somewhere Over The Rainbow - Polyjesters


I learn faith from my dogs. I'm touched by their faith in me that I'll take care of them every time they do something that's a little uncomfortable or unfamiliar to them. Simple things like getting into an elevator or jumping into a kayak, easy for us, right? But for dogs? Not so much. Unfamiliar, scary even. But they'll do it if I ask, because they have faith in me, the choices I make for us and the way I love and care for them.

My desire is to take this simple, pure faith and apply it to my own life. To have the faith that I'm loved and cared for by an ever expanding universe that is in sync with my needs and desires. Sounds like the perfect relationship. The perfect relationship, though, is the one I have with my own ability to be guided by my inner truth and my faith in that guidance. The trust that I will make the right choices and create in a positive way that will enrich my relationship with everything around me.

Yoga With Your Dog poses for faith:
Dog in the tree house pose.
Dog over the moon (large dog)
Puppy over the moon (small dog)