I'm inspired by the people and the dogs that come to my classes. The way they interact, the questions they ask, the energy they give and what they are willing to receive. Also just being around dogs allows me to relax in a way that lets the creativity flow. I enjoy knowing that the realationship and the love people have for their dogs inspires them and motivates them to come to class. And making every pose a new opportunity to connect with and show love. We did extra massage for the dogs in Monday night's class and it seemed so appropriate for that particular class. Sometimes you have to let the vibe of the class inspire you to teach in a certain way. Bacon, the bulldog was snoring quite loudly when all was said and done. I did double duty with my dogs since Brad wasn't able to make the class. I realized it's possible to have two dogs with one person or two people with one dog in a class. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to teach these different combinations. I love being inspired!
Yoga With Your Dog pose for inspiration
Upward Facing Tail pose with wide legs
In this pose try to let the crown of the head come in contact with your dog, the crown of your head making contact with the crown of their head is ideal.