I just got new glasses! These aren't the glasses and that's not me, but it's a cute picture right?
Anyway - Doga news...
We're driving down to San Fran for the teacher training because I really want Honey to be there and she's too big to fly with me in the cabin. She's also pushing 11 so I don't want to put her through a flight since she's never done it before. Gus, however is younger and smaller and has flown with me in the past. I think a road trip will be fun. I'll really try to take pics to share.
Doga Outside! A possible fall class before the weather turns TBA...
It's been fun with a good turn out for most of the classes. I really enjoy teaching outdoors. I'll be doing more outside classes next summer. Also All Star Fitness loved the doga class I taught and wants to do more. Very progressive for a gym!
Walk for the Animals and University Village Dog Fest. Oct. 4th
An event benefitting The Seattle Humane Society. I'll be leading the participants in stretches pre walk and doing a demo on the stage post walk for University Village Dog Fest.
I'll post the current Doga class schedule within the next few days.
In the meantime remember to spend some quality time just being present with your dogi. Take some time to sit with her/him and just be. Open up to what they're giving you... love and healing energy. Take time to notice how just sitting quietly with our dogs will begin to ease our tensions and worries. And don't forget to thank them for all they give to you.
Play,love, live,
Brenda, Honey and Gus