Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Handsome Harry

This is Harry. He and his mom Angela will be joining the Sept. Doga series at The Humane Society. At 13 1/2 years young Harry will have the honor of being the most senior dogi in class yet.
I get occasional emails from peeps asking about bringing an older or handicapable dog to class. I always tell them that it's less about doing fancy doga poses with your dog and more about spending time hanging out and enjoying each others company in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Your dogis are going to love just being with you and having your complete attention. They can also benefit from the massage and stretches as well as the mellow vibe.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Seattle Doga News

I just got new glasses! These aren't the glasses and that's not me, but it's a cute picture right?

Anyway - Doga news...

We're driving down to San Fran for the teacher training because I really want Honey to be there and she's too big to fly with me in the cabin. She's also pushing 11 so I don't want to put her through a flight since she's never done it before. Gus, however is younger and smaller and has flown with me in the past. I think a road trip will be fun. I'll really try to take pics to share.

Doga Outside! A possible fall class before the weather turns TBA...

It's been fun with a good turn out for most of the classes. I really enjoy teaching outdoors. I'll be doing more outside classes next summer. Also All Star Fitness loved the doga class I taught and wants to do more. Very progressive for a gym!

Walk for the Animals and University Village Dog Fest. Oct. 4th

An event benefitting The Seattle Humane Society. I'll be leading the participants in stretches pre walk and doing a demo on the stage post walk for University Village Dog Fest.

I'll post the current Doga class schedule within the next few days.

In the meantime remember to spend some quality time just being present with your dogi. Take some time to sit with her/him and just be. Open up to what they're giving you... love and healing energy. Take time to notice how just sitting quietly with our dogs will begin to ease our tensions and worries. And don't forget to thank them for all they give to you.

Play,love, live,

Brenda, Honey and Gus

Monday, August 4, 2008

Doga Teacher Training Is Here!

Barking Buddha Doga Teacher Training
with Brenda Bryan - creator of Barking Buddha Doga™
Internationally known doga instructor, Brenda Bryan brings her teaching philosophy and technique to San Francisco for a weekend of training, inspiration and teacher preparation.

Drawing from her upcoming book “Barking Buddha Doga; Simple Soul Stretches for Yogi and Dogi,” Bryan’s teacher training is sure to inspire and prepare aspiring doga instructors. This level 1 instruction will cover Bryan’s philosophy, sequencing, cross-species teaching, dog behavior, and more.

Date: September 20 and 21
Location: The Yoga Loft, San Francisco, California
Cost: $195

Space is limited! For more information and to register visit or email
This training can be done with or without your dog present.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Dog Yoga in The Park, Doga Outside!

I had my first Bark in the Park class and it went really well, despite the large and loud family picnic (complete with potato sack races and everything!) in the clearing next to us. I'm used to teaching in noisy facilities so it didn't really faze me.

Anyway, we took the dogs on a group walk before the class. It was nice bonding as a class in that way before doing the Doga. I think I'll do more of that kind of thing in the future. This class was all big dogs except for Gus and little Sophie, a rescue Italian Greyhound who brought her human, Wendy. Wendy has been a fabulous Seattle Doga supporter, Thanks Wendy!

Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera to Bark in the Park, doh! So you'll have to wait until the next outdoor class to get outdoor pics.

I know visuals are a plus so...I'm posting a picture I just came across of me signing my book contract. Notice how Gus has to be right there helping me out. Actually Gus loves getting his picture taken and will sidle up to just about anyone with a camera. Seriously.

My New Doga Logo!

Created by the talented Natalie Parks.