Friday, August 1, 2008

Dog Yoga in The Park, Doga Outside!

I had my first Bark in the Park class and it went really well, despite the large and loud family picnic (complete with potato sack races and everything!) in the clearing next to us. I'm used to teaching in noisy facilities so it didn't really faze me.

Anyway, we took the dogs on a group walk before the class. It was nice bonding as a class in that way before doing the Doga. I think I'll do more of that kind of thing in the future. This class was all big dogs except for Gus and little Sophie, a rescue Italian Greyhound who brought her human, Wendy. Wendy has been a fabulous Seattle Doga supporter, Thanks Wendy!

Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera to Bark in the Park, doh! So you'll have to wait until the next outdoor class to get outdoor pics.

I know visuals are a plus so...I'm posting a picture I just came across of me signing my book contract. Notice how Gus has to be right there helping me out. Actually Gus loves getting his picture taken and will sidle up to just about anyone with a camera. Seriously.


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