Pics from Doga last night. The class theme was gratitude. A nice class with a wide variety of dogis, from lil' Sophie pictured on the right to Streaker the Greyhound, pictured with the glowing eyes. Streaker's eyes don't glow in real life, that would be kinda cool, and maybe a little scary. Streaker has a quiet strength and a soft personality that matches his dainty doe-like features.
I grow so attached to the dogis!

Yogi Peggy's dogi, Bogey (say that five times fast), my sweet little footstool of a Cairn Terrier, was also in attendance. I love that little guy! Little Lottie was there working the cute like nobody's business. Anyway can't wait for the next class, our theme will be "Letting Go".
P.S. Thanks to Lottie's human Elizabeth for taking pictures!
P.S. Thanks to Lottie's human Elizabeth for taking pictures!
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